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Retrieve Code

If you want to have an easy way to retrieve data and have it appear in a text box or combo box just by clicking a single data from that row, there is a simple remedy for that. Just follow the following code and paste it on click.

THISFORM.Text1.VALUE = sviewbranch.beginbal
THISFORM.Text2.VALUE = sviewbranch.branchname
THISFORM.Text3.VALUE = sviewbranch.branchaddress
THISFORM.Text4.VALUE = sviewbranch.branchdesc
THISFORM.Text5.VALUE = sviewbranch.debit
THISFORM.Text7.VALUE = sviewbranch.netchange
THISFORM.Text8.VALUE = sviewbranch.ending
THISFORM.Text9.VALUE = sviewbranch.branchdescnum